The following describes an approach to process images produced for observation of the Zeeman Effect by a Fabry-Perot etalon.  Full code available at the Lothilius github repo. Full research paper can be found on the Analyzing the Fine Structure of Mercury Through the …

Etalon Fringe Image: Determining the Center Read more »

The following describes an approach to process images produced for observation of the Zeeman Effect by a Fabry-Perot etalon. Experimental setup is similar to that described by PHYWE's youtube video. Full code available at the Lothilius github repo. Full research paper can be …

Fabry-Perot Etalon Image: Peak Radii Determination Read more »

Martin A Valenzuela martin[at] Education The University of Texas at Austin, Bachelor of Science in Physics Department of Computer Sciences, Elements of Computing Certificate Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, Certificate in Scientific Computation Certifications Enthought- Machine Learning Mastery Workshop - Certification …

Resume Read more »